RESCUE ETN technically supports the Test Spring School of the European Test Symposium - TSS@ETS. The event will take place in Rastatt, Germany, on May 24-27, 2019.
Here, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students will be introduced into most up-to-date concepts in test, reliability, security, etc. Renowned experts will give lectures and will cover the main challenges of hardware test issues and infrastructures. The spring school also offers the state of the art of test, design for test,and test generation and validation of digital and analog circuits. The overall theme of this year is Cutting Edge Approaches for Test. The first two lectures cover issues related to novelties in defect modeling and test strategies, design for test and test applications. The third and fourth lectures cover formal techniques in test generation and beyond, and infrastructure for test and diagnosis. One of the last two lectures covers system level testing whereas the other lecture covers analog, mixed-signal and RF IC testing with integrated test approaches.
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The RESCUE ETN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions for research, technological development and demonstration, under grant n. 722325.